Baradhi Script

BaradhiBlue's analysis portal.
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Welcome to Baradhi Script!!

Baradhi Script is a project by Kira Sylph for discussing media, society and science through an eclectic point of view, excessively well-informed on too many subjects to count. Basically, I have more expertise than I know how to deal with in too many things, which makes me have very extended takes that require too much background info for microblogging, so here's regular blogging so I can explain to you everything at length.

What topics can you expect? Honestly damn near anything, but queer and disability themes and spec fic are your best predictions. Even the things that seem unrelated will trace back to that somehow.

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Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Hypocrisy in Fandom Etiquette for Treatment of Cast and Characters in Tokusatsu Fandom
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